Painting in the porch

In the mid-19th century, Andrew Jackson Downing saw immense value in a porch. This famous American landscape gardener was writing about his vision of an American home. He was thinking about something that would set it apart from the English architecture. 

While in his thoughts he saw that a porch could make the difference. He realized that it can be an important link to connect the ones living in the house to nature. They could also savor the cool breeze coming from the shaded outdoors from their porch.

Today, many homeowners consider the porch as an extension of the main house and as an outdoor living room. It can be a blissful oasis of your park model home. There are several ways, in which, you can utilize this outdoor space of your tiny home.

Turn it into a utility space

By doing this, you can free up a lot of space in the rooms of your tiny towable home. Instead of placing a washer unit in the hallway, you can shift it to the porch. You can even use the porch for keeping a folding table. It can also be used as a wonderful space for accomplishing your work-related tasks. This can be done with the addition of a work bench.

Use it as your meditation room

The porch in front of your park model home can be an excellent place to calm your senses. Every day, you can spread your yoga mat on its floor and practice deep meditation. You’ll never feel the need to turn on some soothing music to quieten your mind. 

The sounds of nature coming from the surroundings would be enough to prepare you for the experience. For maximum benefits, you must meditate very early in the morning. This way, you can be assured that there’s no one to disturb your peace.

Let it be your pet’s space

Your pet would love to have vast personal space in the house. You can pamper your four-legged friend a bit more by gifting it to your porch. This would give it enough space to play and entertain itself to its heart’s content. It would be a great delight to see your pet happy in its own space every day. You can also offer it a king-size bed to lounge on.

Transform it into an art studio

If you’re an art or craft enthusiast, you can turn your porch into your art studio or craft space. From there, you can create some excellent masterpieces, enjoying the gifts of nature. The gentle breeze, green surroundings, and sounds of birds would create the right atmosphere for it. You might also get inspired by the beauty of nature and use it for your painting or sculpture.

Treat it as an extra living space

The porch of your tiny towable home can have plenty of space that can be utilized efficiently. You can create another room out of it for multi-season living. The porch can also be enclosed using an appropriate enclosure system. 

Once it is enclosed, you can use the newly-created room as a place for reading a book. You can also use it as a perfect spot to enjoy your meals. It can also be utilized as a space for watching your favourite shows on television.

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